Maintaining The liver Health – The Ayurvedic Approach

There are many things one needs to know about the liver. After all, it is called the engine of the body, and there are many valid reasons for it. The liver plays a crucial role in digestion, detoxification, and metabolism of the body to ensure a comfortable life. The liver is the largest glandular organ in our body and the only organ that can regenerate itself. As per Ayurveda, one of the liver's primary functions is to filter blood (rakta dhatu) and eliminate toxins from plasma (rasa dhatu). To assist in proper digestion, the liver secretes a fluid called bile. This digestive fluid is what helps in digesting fatty acids in the body. The liver also synthesizes cholesterol and protein. It aids in converting sugar into glycogen. Glycogen is stored as glycogen energy for use in the muscles at a later stage.

Ayurveda indicates that the seat of pitta dosha in the body is the liver. Also, in Ayurveda, "agni" and "pitta" are indicatives of enzymes (digestive fires) whose role is to assist in the body's digestion and metabolism processes. Anything hot or fiery is not suitable for liver health. The liver is a fiery organ, and therefore, it is sensitive to things that are also fiery. Tobacco, caffeine, alcohol, emotions like hate and anger, hot spicy foods, environmental pollutants, pre-packaged food items are not good for the liver's health. 

Pitta gets aggravated in the body whenever Vata and Kapha types of imbalances occur in the liver. Whenever this happens, toxins get built up and start affecting the normal functioning of the liver. So, individuals need to keep an eye on the liver imbalances and address them at an early stage. Having this approach helps protect liver health.

The Ayurvedic Approach for Healthy liver

1. Diet that helps pacify pitta

As liver health is closely related to pitta, you need to follow a diet plan promoting healthy liver and its cleansing. If you have a weak liver or want to maintain an existing healthy liver, Ayurveda suggests including cooling and bitter-tasting foods in your diet, like karela, cucumber, amla, etc. While trying to add these foods to your diet plan, consider minimizing the intake of pungent, sour, and salty foods. Also, try adding ghee to your food items wherever possible and prefer it over other fats and oils. Another way to ensure optimized liver health is to include carrots, beetroots, and green leafy vegetables in your diet plan. To improve metabolism, one can consider starting the day by consuming a pear or an apple. These fruits also assist in cleansing the liver.

2. Maintain an ideal weight

There is an easy way to keep the liver healthy and strong. All you need to do is maintain a healthy weight. When you keep your weight in check, the fat deposits in the liver will be minimal, and it will be healthy. One of the main contributors to fatty liver disease is alcohol. However, putting excess weight or being obese can also put you at risk of fatty liver disease of non-alcoholic type. Exercising every day is one sure way to maintain your weight. Also, it is beneficial in keeping your body functions at an optimum level and keeping up your metabolism rate. 

3. Cleansing periodically

The central role of the liver is to oversee the detoxification process in the body. However, toxins may accumulate in the liver over time due to poor lifestyle and unhealthy dietary habits. The best thing about the liver as an organ is knowing how to heal itself. All we need to do is extend proper support to it. Ayurveda suggests giving the organ periodic breaks through processes like Virechana, emphasizing cleansing mechanisms. The perfect time for liver detox is during the Spring season. During this period, any accumulated heat gets eliminated before the summer season commences. It is recommended to take the help of an Ayurvedic doctor to continue with the liver detox program.

4. Emotional hygiene

Just as important as the liver is for the proper digestion of nutrition and food, it plays an equally important part in digesting our emotions. Whatever the emotions you become a part of – frustration, anger, impatience, irritability, envy, and hate, the seat of these emotions and many others is the liver. Whenever our body goes through a phase of imbalanced pitta, these imbalanced emotions come out naturally through us. However, not all bad emotions are associated with the liver. Some healthier expressions, like contentment, power, confidence, and courage, are also associated with the liver. The essential factor for maintaining liver health is to find a way to feel all these emotions, acknowledge them, and keep them in balance. Ayurveda suggests individuals practice meditation regularly. It is also beneficial to do yoga and pranayama to completely release all emotions. These practices are helpful in preventing strain and stress of daily life that take a toll on the health of the liver. 

5. Take detoxifying liquids regularly

The blood becomes thicker whenever you become dehydrated. When this happens, the liver becomes responsible for filtering blood. Owing to blood thickness, the liver's ability to detoxify blood gets affected. Therefore, you need to make sure to drink water regularly. Alternatively, you can prepare a cup of detox tea by adding a pinch of turmeric to boiling water. When the water cools down, add 1 tsp of lemon juice. You can consider adding honey if you like your tea to be sweeter.

In addition to the above practices, Ayurveda also has herbal support for individuals for liver cleansing purposes. Ayurveda suggests using rasayanas and herbs to help you pacify aggravated doshas. Ayurvedic products like Honeyline help clear accumulated toxins, cleanse the blood, remove heat from the body, detoxify the liver, and encourage the bile flow. Some popular herbs that offer cleansing properties are Aloe vera, Triphala, Amla, Punarnava, Bhumi-amala, Kutki, and Neem. For detailed information about these herbs and Ayurvedic products, you should consult an Ayurvedic doctor and follow the instructions given to you. 


This content is for information and educational purposes only and should not be perceived as medical advice. Please consult a certified medical or healthcare professional before making any decision regarding your health using the content above.

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